+44 (0) 7711 700693



I write modern murder mysteries which are structured to allow the audience a long period in which to interact with the actors. This places the audience in the role of detective, trying to solve the mystery themselves. The format allows for reduced production costs as costumes and props are readily available, and an exciting and challenging role for the performers because of the improvisation. 

 The structure of the plays is a short scripted first act which introduces all the characters and sets the scene of the murder; then the audience are invited to mingle with the actors and ask them any questions they wish on a one-to-one basis. This ‘second act’ generally lasts for around an hour. The third act is also scripted, and is constructed as a golden-age-style reveal, with each character in turn having their motives revealed before the murderer is finally exposed. One person who has chosen the correct murderer and motive is then selected and awarded a prize.

The format has proved very popular and I have written a number of plays which are available to stage, or for performance.

I am also able to write bespoke scripts on particular topics or with particular settings for specific events.

Fees are dependent on the size of the audience to make it cost-effective for producers:

Small-scale performance to small audience: £20
Anticipated audience numbers over 100: £50
New script written specifically to requirements: £100

Please contact us if you are interested in staging a play, and I would be happy to provide samples of my scripts and discuss your requirements.
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